Walk in freezer

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That is a funny question, what I find in this area is people use NEMA 4 or at least NEMA 3R wiring methods when the fan unit itself is clearly NEMA 1.

In my opinion NEMA 1 is all that is required and will often last better than bell boxes with switches.
I'm curious as to how you (and others) handle the disconnecting of power to walk-in freezer evaporator units.
Locally, coolers normally have fans that are supplied by a 120v independent circuit and E/Cs put SP switches at the evaporators in sight of the fan.
Freezers on the other hand, normally have a multi-conductor connection to the condenser which often has a defrost timer,etc. with some conductors serving dual purposes.
To disconnect power to the evaporator unit would require opening 6 circuits. Consequently common practice has been to allow the condenser disconnect to be the only one.
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