was NFPA correct?

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Senior Member
I called NFPA today,regarding a question about a feeder to a breaker panel in a separate structure ,to supply power for a swimming pool in a single family dwelling.

The electrician used uf cable thru pvc to a 2 cir.breaker panel. I was concerned about non insulated grounding conductor.

I thought that the installation was code compliant, 680.21(A)(4).

I decided to get a ruling from NFPA ( maybe for the sake of getting something for my money)

I was told that the feeder should have a insulated egc.


Did they site an article or section? Reading 680.21(A)(4) sounds right but I am wondering if 680.21 (A)(1) applies because the UF cable was installed in PVC?

was NFPA correct?

was NFPA correct?

suemarkp said:
If this is a newly installed feeder, then I don't know how you get around 680.25(B).

Thanks, you and others that responded are correct
was NFPA correct?

was NFPA correct?

j_erickson said:
Why did you call NFPA if you thought you were correct? Good that you did, though.

Hi John,I just didn't feel right about it. I guess I read the section too fast, the magic word (interior)didn't sink in.

Nice to hear from you,I hope dad is well say hi to him for me.

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