Washington adoption of the 2014 NEC - and AFCIs

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tom baker

First Chief Moderator & NEC Expert
Staff member
Bremerton, Washington
Master Electrician
For Washington Electricians - an FYI on the WAC (State Electrical Rules) status....

I attended the Technical Advisory Committee Meeting (TAC) on Dec 19th in Tacoma, where the internal (L&I) and external (stakeholder) proposals for changes to the WACs for adoption of the 2014 NEC were voted on. The voting was a recommendation to be forwarded to the Electrical Board and its meeting in January. After the Electrical Board acts on the proposals, they are published for public comment in April 2014.

The proposals can be viewed at the L&I Website, under 2014 External and Internal proposals:http://www.lni.wa.gov/TradesLicensing/Electrical/LawRulePol/RuleDev/default.asp

L&I is proposing to adopt the 2014 NEC requirments for AFCI protection, which had nearly unanimous support from the TAC. I suspected the 2014 NEC requirements would be adopted, as AFCIs now have a proven track record and it would be difficult to justify to remaining on the 2005 requirements.

Keep in mind the 2014 expands the AFCI requirements from the 2011 NEC, under the 2014 AFCIs are required in all dwelling units spaces except for bathrooms and garages

L&I is proposing to relaxing its requirement for ground ring if a ufer is not installed.

The 2014 NEC will be adopted in Washington State July 1, 2014.

If you have any specific questions on the proposals or adoption process send me a PM.

I recommend you subscribe to the L&I Listserve to get the monthly Electrical Currents and information on rule changes.
Thanks for the update. Anyone working in City of Seattle should note that they are using the more restrictive 2008 AFCI requirements. I am so glad the NFPA has used us as their testing lab the last several code cycles. That would/could be an expensive study paid for by the construction industry and consumers if the effectiveness of AFCI's is shown to not be commensurate with their cost. I am glad that Washington has held out for more analysis though.
Proof of what and where can this proof be reviewed?

I too want to see these documents that indicate what a life saving device is. I saw a NEMA piece on this the other day. It was pure puff and propaganda. It had no documentation or study to be back it up.
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