water heater disconect

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Senior Member
under the 99 code is it required to have a means of disconnect within sight of the water heater or can the circuit breaker in the panel located in another room serve as the means of disconnect.

22 story building 9 condos per floor about 180 disconnects that would have to be added if required

dumb question I know but before I start raising all sorts of hate and discontent with everyone I need some references to prove or disprove my thinking

George Stolz

Staff member
Windsor, CO NEC: 2017
Service Manager
Re: water heater disconect

422.31(B) Appliances Rated Over 300 Volt-Amperes or 1 /8 Horsepower. For permanently connected appliances rated over 300 volt-amperes or 1 /8 hp, the branch-circuit switch or circuit breaker shall be permitted to serve as the disconnecting means where the switch or circuit breaker is within sight from the appliance or is capable of being locked in the open position.
I'd invest in 180 10? breaker-locks. ;)


Senior Member
Re: water heater disconect

List price in the Square D catalog is $6.30. Do electricians get the same 6300% discount on everything in the Square D catalog? :D If so, you're keeping it a pretty good secret from all us engineers!!



Staff member
New Jersey
Journeyman Electrician
Re: water heater disconect

I think that George meant that they only cost 10 cents to make!


Senior Member
Re: water heater disconect

Please excuse my stupidity but I am getting ready to argue this point with the powers that be in charge.

Is the lock an the panel door sufficient as a means of insuring that the breaker once turned off is locked.

I know everyone and their brother has a square-D key and as these are private residence if work was to be done on a water heater the owner would know and would not be turning on breakers while the work was being done.

lockable panels were installed during construction for various temp power issues. and I THINK this is how the disconnect were allowed to not being installed.

as far as I can tell none of the panels are locked now and no-one has a key that they are willing to admit that they have.


Senior Member
Re: water heater disconect

I would not trust the inspector to allow this but have questioned the same idea.Seems to meet intent but ????????? if allowed this would cut down on sales on lockouts for breakers.


Senior Member
Re: water heater disconect

that is just it building is 5 years old already passed all inspections and out of warranty.

new owner had problem with water heater tripping breaker was sent out to find problem thermostat control wires inside water heater looked like 14AWG burned up.

noticed no means of disconnect provided within sight of water heater

If I see a code violation on a service call I want to make sure it is a code violation before I stir up problems for everyone

George Stolz

Staff member
Windsor, CO NEC: 2017
Service Manager
Re: water heater disconect

Originally posted by marinesgt0411:
Is the lock an the panel door sufficient as a means of insuring that the breaker once turned off is locked.
where the switch or circuit breaker is within sight from the appliance or is capable of being locked in the open position.
The circuit breaker itself must be locked.

I know everyone and their brother has a square-D key...
I know this isn't exactly in line with the context of your statement, but one item bears attention: the NEC doesn't care who has the key, or if they have a padlock, or anything else. If a means exists to lock the breaker, the buck stops there. :)

If I see a code violation on a service call I want to make sure it is a code violation before I stir up problems for everyone
Why would this make waves? If you're performing service work, it's fully reasonable to mention any code violations you see, and recommend attention be paid to them.

In this case, I'd call it pretty minor. I'd recommend the breakerlocks mainly to generate easy revenue for my company, but I fail to see a compelling safety issue when it comes to a residence.

I wouldn't exactly lay siege to the office and take hostages and all that. For box-fill, maybe. Breakerlocks warrant at most a note taped to a rock with cryptic threats written on it.
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