water heaters

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Senior Member
I have a larger 500 kva electric boiler does it require disconnecting means if breaker in switch gear is lockable.
My guess is that article 425 is the applicable code. Section 425.19 is for disconnects so it depends on your motor size etc. In most cases a disconnect is required within sight. I suggest you see what part applies to your setup
My guess is that article 425 is the applicable code. Section 425.19 is for disconnects so it depends on your motor size etc. In most cases a disconnect is required within sight. I suggest you see what part applies to your setup

did you mean 424?
did you mean 424?

No, 425 includes boilers so that was my guess

425.1 Scope. This article covers fixed industrial process heating
employing electric resistance or electrode heating technology.
For the purpose of this article, heating equipment shall
include boilers, electrode boilers, duct heaters, strip heaters,
immersion heaters, process air heaters, or other approved fixed
electric equipment used for industrial process heating. This
article shall not apply to heating and room air conditioning for
personnel spaces covered by Article 424, fixed heating equipment
for pipelines and vessels covered by Article 427, induction
and dielectric heating equipment covered by Article 665,
and industrial furnaces incorporating silicon carbide, molybdenum,
or graphite process heating elements.
Maybe something changed, I was looking at 2014 code and there is no 425 at all in there. Never got any electronic version of 2017, probably need to make sure to get one for 2020:ashamed1:
Maybe something changed, I was looking at 2014 code and there is no 425 at all in there. Never got any electronic version of 2017, probably need to make sure to get one for 2020:ashamed1:

Article 425 is new to 2017-- This is the title

Fixed Resistance and Electrode Industrial
Process Heating Equipment
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