Water Pipe Bond

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george t. everett

Senior Member
New York
259.104(A)(1) covers the bonding of the interior metal water piping in a separately derived system. How does this differ from the water pipe bonding of a single family dwelling?
Re: Water Pipe Bond

Hi George,

The water pipe "bond" in this case is distinctly different than 250.52(A)(1) where the water pipe is used as a "grounding electrode".

In this case, the "separatley derived system" (a transformer, for instance), used in an industrial or commercial application will not always be located close to the grounding electrode system for the premises and therefore is required to be "bonded" to the water system in the area in which it serves. Keep in mind, this is a "bond", not a "ground". Also, the exception following helps to understand the intent.

Much different than a house!
Re: Water Pipe Bond

Dave hit the nail on the head!
A separatly derived system is considered a new service.
THUS: all bonding requirements for service entrance apply. Acceptable grounding electrodes and conductors can be found in 250-30.
I know that this means that water, et. all, will be bonded at more than one location in a structure. The AHJ's in my area require this "redundant" bonding.
Remember the difference between grounding and bonding.
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