water piping bond

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250.104a 2005 nec. electrically conductive materials must be bonded to the system neutral for clearing of ground faults. question i have is we always bond the cold water piping to the neutral system, but i always thought we were using the cold pipe as a grounding electrode. and the hot water pipe im assuming is concidered bonded through the heating system?
250.104a 2005 nec. electrically conductive materials must be bonded to the system neutral for clearing of ground faults. question i have is we always bond the cold water piping to the neutral system, but i always thought we were using the cold pipe as a grounding electrode. and the hot water pipe im assuming is concidered bonded through the heating system?

If more than 10 feet of the incoming service is in contact with the earth, then you HAVE to use it as an electrode. If incoming water is plastic, but the interior piping is metal, the piping still needs to be bonded, but not used as a GE. The cold and hot are effectively bonded together by the mixing valves and plumbing fixtures.
250.104a 2005 nec. electrically conductive materials must be bonded to the system neutral for clearing of ground faults. question i have is we always bond the cold water piping to the neutral system, but i always thought we were using the cold pipe as a grounding electrode. and the hot water pipe im assuming is concidered bonded through the heating system?

Read this also: http://forums.mikeholt.com/showthread.php?t=117699&highlight=water+bond

I got beat up on this. But it is still a good read.
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