wave forms for 3phase loads

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Am I off my rocker, or are the charts on https://www.engineeringtoolbox.com/ac-circuit-d_1933.html wrong?

specifically, under the heading 400V/230V AC and 208V/120V AC shows the following (see below)... for the LN waveforms, (e.g., L1 and L2) their peaks are shifted by 120deg. But for the LL (eg L1 to L2 and L2 to L3), their periods seem to be shifted by 60deg. Shouldn't it be more like the 3rd image at the bottom of this post where LN are shifted from one another by 120, LL are shifted from one another by 120 and LN are shifted from LL by 30?



Am I off my rocker, or are the charts on https://www.engineeringtoolbox.com/ac-circuit-d_1933.html wrong?

specifically, under the heading 400V/230V AC and 208V/120V AC shows the following (see below)... for the LN waveforms, (e.g., L1 and L2) their peaks are shifted by 120deg. But for the LL (eg L1 to L2 and L2 to L3), their periods seem to be shifted by 60deg. Shouldn't it be more like the 3rd image at the bottom of this post where LN are shifted from one another by 120, LL are shifted from one another by 120 and LN are shifted from LL by 30?

I agree that the charts are in error. Their L1 to L2 and L2 to L3 are shifted 120° and are OK. The problem is they plotted the phase of L1 to L3 instead of the proper L3 to L1 needed for the correct sequence of line-to-line voltages. This cause their dashed red curve to be shifted 180° and make it appear that there was a 60° phase shift. It would be the same as if you plotted "AC" instead of "CA" for your dashed purple curve.
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