I am running an overhead feeder to a detached garage where it is not economically feasible to go underground (LOTS of pavement). Taking #4 SER from main house panel, through basement to rear of house, up side of the house (to a point at least 12' above the ground to meet O/H clearance requirements), then #6 quadruplex to the garage. AHJ does not require conduit for service cables in this area, so SER will simply be attached to siding. I am trying to decide if there is any better form of protection for the end of the SER cable than the minimum "gooseneck" req'd by code. Most service entrances in the area use the plastic hoods, but the clamps on them are made for SEU, not SER. Friend of mine who works as an estimator for large contractor said his company always uses a metal weatherhead (made for RMC) clamped to the SER, as the AHJ likes to see something other than a gooseneck. Opinions?