Weird voltage

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So every evening my stereo speakers go crazy and my stereo kicks off and on and my lights dim all throughout the house until I unplug my laptop or something else random.... I have tried turning off every breaker in the house 1 by 1 and the lights continued to dim so this tells me it isn't an appliance in the house, I checked voltage at an electrical outlet and it was 130v normally however it was around 98v when it's acting up. I have done some checking and I have 220 coming in however when I check ground to one positive I get 120v the other gives me around 98v out of my main breaker outside after the meter. So my question is could that breaker be failing since the voltage is low on that one side of the 220? Thanks for any help sorry if this isn't the place to ask just thought I would take a shot. Have a good evening!

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There is no way to walk through this problem with typed words on a screen. You need an electrician on site, the sooner the better.

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