god all mighty i cant believe what im reading,,LOL.....
You are directed by the NEC to adhear to the most stringent standard.
That would be the Telcordia and GR1275 standards.
your welding cable is not legal in these standards.
you must use RHH/RHW low smoke Class 1 cable.
YOu *could* use DLO ~aka welding cable~ if and only "IF" its identification on the cable itself says "CT rated" , meaing cable tray rated.
Your lugs are easily found from burndy and all your lugs need to end in the part number "FX" indicating flex cable.
a 750mcm STR burny lug will not fit on a 750mcm flex cable. They both have two different colors on the barrel, flex being yellow and str being black.
same for most all the flex wiring, 350mcm str is red barrel while 350mcm flex is blue.
if your trimming off some of the conductors on your cable to get the lug to fit,, then you have the wrong lugs.... just trying to help incase you still have time,, im a little late to this thread.
also, if your cables are laced down side by side, you have instantly eliminated yourself from the middle ground of free air & cable tray wire sizing and you must size cables ampaicty to the "in raceway or cable tray" table
by the way, there is telecommunications facilities and then there are IT people.
Ive never met an IT guy who knew anything about DC power, the faclity power engineer however does.