"We'll Be Back"

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"We'll Be Back"

That's a phrase we use when a home owner only wants certain parts of the installation done and they intend on doing the rest.

So today I install a 400 amp service with (2) 200 amp panels and install interlocks for both panels and wire in connections for a portable generator for emergency power. We were going to wire the whole house but since the homeowner is starting to go over budget he intends on wiring the house himself, so all he needed was the service installed. So I give hime the lowdown on the service and the generator connection and use of the interlocks and proceed to tour his project. He has his work cut out for himself. Huge vaulted cielings, two stories. Shear walls where he needs receps. Glue lams everywhere, at every turn, and even I was concerned for how to run all the homes with any ease. The whole time I'm thinking, "glad I'm not diong this one. Too much ladder work, only cause my knees were hurting today. I'd run around every day if I could and install the services and be gone. Easy money. I have a feeling "we'll be back". The only reason I got concerned was because the homeowner asked me, "so, what are the inspector's cracking down on these days?"............ Houston, we have a problem........... Nightmare images came racing through my brain, even one of the oldies but goodies. Like the time I had to go in after a homeowner install and found everything was wired in UF. Yea, I cried.

I wish him good luck, but I suspect "we'll be back".

Have you been back?
frizbeedog said:
Have you been back?
Uh-huh, and usually to find that much of it has been done wrong and has to be re-done. It's usually at this point where the homeowner wants to go tit-for-tat debating each thing he's done wrong and why he thinks it's okay. These sorts of jobs (when you are called back) are among the most frustrating things we do. Not technically complex, but I get grumpy myself when I have to re-do something that should have never been done that way in the first place, while the owner is all but calling you a crook.
mdshunk said:
while the owner is all but calling you a crook.

...and have myself been called one for installing gound rod #2 when he's sure that 30 years ago, or mabey 20, he don't know, one was good enough.

You have, of course ,seen the do it yourself book at the big box store? Just enough info to be dangerous. ;)
frizbeedog said:
...and have myself been called one for installing gound rod #2 when he's sure that 30 years ago, or mabey 20, he don't know, one was good enough.

You have, of course ,seen the do it yourself book at the big box store? Just enough info to be dangerous. ;)
I had to straighten out a bad flip house that the owner got nailed for work without a license and permit. The guy had an Audel's wiring book he was going by. How freaking long has it been since the Audel's books were made? I know they sell some of them at antique stores. The place was weird anyhow. He put the service panel in the living room, right behind the front door (old townhouse).
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