Re: Well casing as Grounding Electrode
George let?s take a look at the section you are trying to refer to. As we can see one is talking about the equipment grounding conductor for the pump and the other is talking about the grounding electrode.
250.112 (M) Metal Well Casings. Where a submersible pump is used in a metal well casing, the well casing shall be bonded to the pump circuit equipment grounding conductor.
250.52 Grounding Electrodes.
(A) Electrodes Permitted for Grounding.
(1) Metal Underground Water Pipe. A metal underground water pipe in direct contact with the earth for 3.0 m (10 ft) or more (including any metal well casing effectively bonded to the pipe)
Now let?s look at the question being asked.
Originally posted by electricmanscott:
I don't wire many houses with wells so I am a little fuzzy on something. To keep it simple would you consider a metal well casing to fall into the category of rod, pipe, or plate electrode thereby requiring a resistance of 25 ohms or less?
Scott is asking about using the well casing as part of the electrode as outlined in 250.52 (A)(1) and weather or not that this would require a 25 ohms of resistance.
To answer his question we would first need to know if the well casing is part of the electrode system. 250.52 (A)(1) states that if there is 10? or more of metal water pipe in direct contact with the earth and the well casing is bonded to this pipe either through the pipe its self or other effective means then it is part of the electrode system.
As to the 25 ohms, the casing would not need to meet this requirement but the requirements of 250.53 (D)(2) will require the rod, pipe or plate that would be used to supplement the pipe and casing would need to adhere to 250.56.
250.112 states that even if the casing is used as the electrode system and a submersible pump is installed the equipment grounding conductor is to be bonded to the casing also but in no way relieves the use of the casing as part of the electrode system.
Now quit being lazy and look this stuff up so you can get the section numbers right as well as the section quotes.
All in all you did alright in my book.