well house conduits

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South Dakota
I am looking for some input or support on an issue. I am a member of a new rural water association and there will be an new well house involved. It's been my experiance that in most of these well houses (also an electrical contractor but not on this project) that the conduit is run in pvc due to the effects of the chlorine gas seems to detiorate emt or grc conduits. the conduits on this project are being run exposed inside the building. There was no electrical engineer on this project. It was my suggestion to give the electrical contractor on the project a change order to change from emt to pvc. any opinions?


Senior Member
dan55 said:
. . . I would assume that this would be up to AHJ.
Correct to a point. A corrosive environment would be defined by what is known by specialists in the field. That is why the novice or unqualified person should not get involved with projects that could be potentially hazardous to themselves or others.

To find out more, search the Internet for sites that cover this type of work and use the words "corrosive environment" in the search engine. Also, work with those who are more informed (this is not meant as a put down). :)


Senior Member
Southeast Texas
"Corrosive" must be applied to the wiring method at hand. For example, I did some work in an evaporative salt-production plant. Everything was constantly soaked with salt water. This was a corrosive environment as for as EMT ot RMC was concerned. But PVC would last and last and keep on lasting. So the question would be, is the chlorine corrosive to PVC?
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