Well I tried....

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Bob Kraemer

Senior Member
Took a 10 hour code class today to fulfill my Ohio requirement of 10 CEU hours to renew my contractors license. The instructor was using Mike Holt's 2008 code guide for the class. I mentioned this message board several times about the various topics that are discussed and how knowledgeable the members are here and how helpful they are. To my surprise, no one really seemed interested. :-?
Bob Kraemer said:
Took a 10 hour code class today to fulfill my Ohio requirement of 10 CEU hours to renew my contractors license. The instructor was using Mike Holt's 2008 code guide for the class. I mentioned this message board several times about the various topics that are discussed and how knowledgeable the members are here and how helpful they are. To my surprise, no one really seemed interested. :-?
its there loss. sucks to be them:grin:
Bob Kraemer said:
Took a 10 hour code class today to fulfill my Ohio requirement of 10 CEU hours to renew my contractors license. The instructor was using Mike Holt's 2008 code guide for the class. I mentioned this message board several times about the various topics that are discussed and how knowledgeable the members are here and how helpful they are. To my surprise, no one really seemed interested. :-?

Just mo' money for the rest of us! ;)
Bob Kraemer said:
To my surprise, no one really seemed interested. :-?

I get that a lot. When I was an apprentice (not that long ago), I was craving any information available. I was so glad to find online resources like this forum, I used to search and read many posts. Another source of info I found was the EC&M magazine which is FREE, and even the ads are informative as the whole magazine pertains to the electrical industry. I would mention it in class and at work and, like you, to my surprise only a few were interested. I guess different guys get in the trade for different reasons with different goals.... :rolleyes:
Lets see there 152 people on Line, 50 members (active) and 100 Guests, right now!

Now I've sudo watch this here, OK I take note of it, usually daily... Seems theres always more guests then active members, bummer, and over all theres more people here Reading "Now" then before.

I can only beleive that the message is getting out.

Oh and it took me + 45 minutes to responsed, I just think its like anything else, some people don't get it.

30 Days out from the Decal Decision....
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cadpoint said:
Lets see there 152 people on Line, 50 members (active) and 100 Guests, right now!

Now I've sudo watch this here, OK I take note of it, usually daily... Seems theres always more guests then active members, bummer, and the over all theres more people here Reading "Now" over all.

I can only beleive that the message is getting out.

Oh and it took me + 45 minutes to responsed, I just think its like anything else, some people don't get it.

30 Days out from the Decal Decision....

Sorry, cadpoint, I don't get your message. :smile:
yursparky said:
Sorry, cadpoint, I don't get your message. :smile:

:D we've been working on a Cadpoint to English translation program...but it's not finished yet...the linguists are still working on deciphering some of the code:D

think about your daily dealings with guys (and gals) in the electrical field...how many are here by choice? how many are here by default? it's a problem with the industry...
emahler said:
:D we've been working on a Cadpoint to English translation program...but it's not finished yet...the linguists are still working on deciphering some of the code:D

IF your never seen active members on-line, click on MH fourm in blue upper left, go top bottom of page.

IF the thought is not digestable, Well, I'll get back to U!
It seem directly related to the Thread Line!
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Bob, I teach code update classes in Michigan (here it is a 15 hours of class time, or correspondence, or on-line). I also use Mike's code update books and power point presentation. I find that in my classes I have a broad range of responses when it comes to me preaching the importance of education. Not just code updates, but the daily application of code in your job- the how and why's. Some responses are
1) Let's just plow through this material-I'm only here because I have to be
2) I perform mainly maintenance at a plant- this really doesn't apply to me
3) I enjoy the code classes, but once every 3 years is enough
4) I know everything there is about the code
and the most pleasurable to have in class
5) I'm not an expert by any means but I enjoy learning about the code and like to have lively debates and discussions to broaden my knowledge.
This is beginning to sound like the two clowns I had in my third-year apprentice class:

The would sit at the opposite ends of the back row.

Clown #1 would pick up his cell phone a dial. Clown #2 would get a call.

Clown #1: "Hey, what's up?!?!"

Clown #2: "Nothiing, just sittin' here in class."

Clown #1: "Really, so am I! What are you studying?"

Clown #2: "Service calculations."

Clown #1: "That's wierd! That's what we're studying too!"

You can see what they got out of the class. :mad: :mad: :mad:
I wish Ohio would change the rules on CEU classes. For instance yesterday there were a couple of plumbers taking the class which kinda of slowed things down a little. In Ohio any trade can take any CEU class to meet the there CEU requirement. :-?
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