wet location or no??

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This is just a debate that is going on. Theres the big ventalation unit that have I think about 4 motors/fans that push air. The 'compartment' is big enough to walk in and service, it has a walk it door hatch (which is sealed to help keep air pressure good).

the air is cool to some degree but not cold. But the question came up about the conduit runs and discos for the motors. Should they have been in 'weather proof' boxes and liquid tight flex?? most of this is ran in emt but the boxes and fittings are not for wet location.
However there has NOT been any moisture that I have seen, even though I thought this area just for the strong air flow (coolness) might warrant it a like a 'damp or wet location.

What do you think??
if these are air handling units for "environmental air," I wouldn't call it a wet loc. or damp. loc. on the inside of the unit unless you were within the drip pan area of the evaporator coil.
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