Wet locations verses riser requirments

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Our specifications for our nurse call systems require conductors to be rated for wet locations if it is installed below slab on grade in PVC conduit which than changes into EMT in a pipe chase going vertical for several floors. The only time it is free aired is in the electronics room.
The contractor has stated where the conduit comes up in the pipe chase it is considered a riser so the any wire that has a water inhibitor cannot be brought up in the conduit without switching over to a riser rated cable. The system is 24 volt. Would conductors / cables in a conduit / pipe chase be required to be rated for riser applications Per NEC? We suggested PLTC rated for wet locations.
Ask him for a code section to back up his statement. If I read your description of the job correctly, the conductors are in conduit the entire run, and EMT when out of the concrete. There is no problem that I see.
thier response is 800.51 L, 800.53. B riser (Cables installed in vertical runs), 800.51 B.
We have not found a cables / conductors that would both meet 300.5 conductors shall be listed for wet locations and conductors in a verticle runto meet riser requirments. Switching from one conductor to another in the chase seems extreme 22-2 awg. If they have something how could it be accomplished, if not- how would I defend our position with NEC?
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