we've been worrying about the wrong things...

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Senior Member
we've been worrying about pricing...nothing to do with it....

Size (of tool belt) matters ? a study by the Electrical Contractors Association ?has revealed that Welsh homeowners have rather unusual criteria for choosing their tradesmen, with one in three admitting they look at the state of a candidate?s tool belt in order to assess suitability . . . Around one in five look for a tradesman with a good sense of humour, one in 14 go for the best-looking candidate and, amazingly, 1% admit to having hired a tradesman because he smelt nice.? ? from the Western Mail (of Cardiff, Wales).
Where does my kilt come in at?



Hmm...I wonder if they would look at the Toys 'R Us one I wear around my waist on most occasions, or the professional padded loaded to the hilt one that usually hangs off the side of the cart while I work? :D
emahler said:
. . . with one in three admitting they look at the state of a candidate?s tool belt in order to assess suitability . . . .
So that has been the reason for my successful engineering career: the fact that I have always kept a pocket protector full of writing implements in my shirt pocket, and a slide rule clipped to my belt. It certainly couldn't have been my good looks. :D
charlie b said:
. . . I have always kept a pocket protector full of writing implements in my shirt pocket, and a slide rule clipped to my belt.
You're such a geek! :D
charlie b said:
So that has been the reason for my successful engineering career: the fact that I have always kept a pocket protector full of writing implements in my shirt pocket, and a slide rule clipped to my belt. . :D

I always thought that was just a stereotype!:grin:
Uh Oh!. That last post was number 7734. I have to post one more time, to get rid of that number, or there will be H___ to pay!

So this is posted to get me beyond that unholy number.

Whew! Glad that is behind me. :wink:
charlie b said:
Uh Oh!. That last post was number 7734. I have to post one more time, to get rid of that number, or there will be H___ to pay!

So this is posted to get me beyond that unholy number.

Whew! Glad that is behind me. :wink:
Want another fun calculator game? Here's an oldie-but-goodie. Punch these numbers into an LCD-type calculator as they appear:

If 142 Arabs and 154 Israelis (I told you it was old) are fighting over 69 oil wells, and the fighting continues (hit the 'multiply' key now) for 5 years, who ends up with the oil?

Now, hit = and turn the calculator over.
LarryFine said:
Want another fun calculator game? Here's an oldie-but-goodie.
That may be old, but it is new to me. Nice one. Much more interesting than merely typing the number 7734 and turning your computer monitor over (or doing it in the "low tech" way with a piece of paper). :smile:
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