What are our chances of winning the lottery Now

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Dennis Alwon

Staff member
Chapel Hill, NC
Retired Electrical Contractor
What are the odds of an electrician winning the lottery?

CHESTERFIELD, Mo. (Jan. 29) - A retired electrician and World War II veteran is the winner of the largest lottery jackpot ever sold in Missouri - worth more than a quarter of a billion dollars. (254,000,000)
Jim Wilson II, 84, and his wife, Shirley, 79, say they will share the money with three sons. One of those sons, Terry Wilson , who said he hasn't had a vacation in 30 years, likely will be headed to Australia for some rest and recreation.
The Wilsons, all of St. Louis, have been buying family Powerball tickets for years with the understanding that they'd share any winnings, the Missouri Lottery said.

What are our chances of winning the lottery now?
Dennis Alwon said:
What are the odds of an electrician winning the lottery?

CHESTERFIELD, Mo. (Jan. 29) - A retired electrician and World War II veteran is the winner of the largest lottery jackpot ever sold in Missouri - worth more than a quarter of a billion dollars. (254,000,000)
Jim Wilson II, 84, and his wife, Shirley, 79, say they will share the money with three sons. One of those sons, Terry Wilson , who said he hasn't had a vacation in 30 years, likely will be headed to Australia for some rest and recreation.
The Wilsons, all of St. Louis, have been buying family Powerball tickets for years with the understanding that they'd share any winnings, the Missouri Lottery said.

What are our chances of winning the lottery now?

Since I'm still working I'd say my odds are the same. :)
Funny you mention the lottery! The small little town near where I was born (and still live) has a small grocery store at the west end of the main road. Last week, a guy I have known for years bought a "scratch-off" lottery ticket and won a half million bucks. My odds have not changed one bit. I don't play! :)
Main Entry: lot?tery
Pronunciation: 'l?-t&-rE also 'l?-trE
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural -ter?ies
Usage: often attributive
1: a special tax levied on people who are bad at math
getting 6 out of 42 numbers (thats what is available here), is about twice the odds of getting hit by lightning.

I stay indoors most of the time so that kinda gives you an idea how 'good' my lottery odds are...
robbietan said:
getting 6 out of 42 numbers (thats what is available here), is about twice the odds of getting hit by lightning.

I stay indoors most of the time so that kinda gives you an idea how 'good' my lottery odds are...

Are you sure you didn't mean about the same odds as getting hit by lighting twice:)

I think I read somewere that the odds of hitting a big lottery jackpot were about the same as the odds of getting hit by lightning twice.

Most people who win spend most of their money on more tickets anyway:)
I think of buying a lottery ticket as making a voluntary donation to the state supporting roads, schools, and corrupt politicians.

Tickets are not tax deductible, right? ;)
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