What are these for?

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Good Morning,

I have a quick question if I may; I was recently at a friends house changing out some outlets for him and noticed a "blank plate" on the same wall as the oulet; it was located at the same height as the electrical outlet.

Out of curiosity, I removed the blank plate and found that inside the box were two vacuum lines (measuring about 1/8" O.D.in thickness); the vacuum lines were yellow in color with a green stripe running down the center.

While I presume these to be some sort of pneumatic control lines, I am, to be quite honest, unfamiliar as to what they were intended to control; there is one of these boxes (with said vacuum lines) in every room of the house; all at the same height as the oulets (about 15"); does anyone have any ideas as to what these are or what they might have been intended for?

The house was built in 1987 and the current owner has no clue as to these lines or their use.

If you know the answer, can you please let me know and if possible forward some info on the subject matter?

Thank you all so very much!

Roberto Clemente


Senior Member
Re: What are these for?

Roberto, Are you sure they were "Pneumatic" and not "Fiber Optic"?
Do they all run back to one central location somewhere in the house?

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