What Chapter 3 tables are used the most for residential?

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Electrical Engineer
I am studying for the residential exam and wonder which tables will be more likely asked about than not. I also just want to know what tables are used by most in the field. Ugly's includes most of the tables from Chapter 3 of the NEC.
Unusual to use UGLY's as opposed to the NEC but for residential (or commercial) , 310.15(B)(16) is likely the most used (also the 1st one in my UGLY's) keeping in mind that NM has to be terminated at it's 60° rating..
It might aslo be worth noting the Dwelling Service Conductor Table in Example D7 in the NEC. I don't think that is in UGLYs
310.15(B)(16) (went back to just 310.16 in 2020 like it was long ago) is about the only chapter 3 table normally used for dwellings, along with any the accompanying adjustment tables in certain applicable circumstances.
I never like the ugly, that small print with everything jammed in alway got my eyes rolling. Easier for me to look in nec.

Annex C is a must, and must be paired with cheaper 9 tables
Practice off Annex D, it helps to look at those if you stuck will jar your memory.
310.15( c )(1)
Those are the ones I look at the most.

Any table in the book may be needed, since its a test.
I never like the ugly, that small print with everything jammed in alway got my eyes rolling. Easier for me to look in nec.

Annex C is a must, and must be paired with cheaper 9 tables
Practice off Annex D, it helps to look at those if you stuck will jar your memory.
310.15( c )(1)
Those are the ones I look at the most.

Any table in the book may be needed, since its a test.
Maybe a reason it is called Ugly's? :)
Get rid of Ugly's for exam prep, it's a great asset in the field but not a substitute for the actual code book on a desk.
Get rid of Ugly's for exam prep, it's a great asset in the field but not a substitute for the actual code book on a desk.
On anther forum I asked this question, and one person replied with "whatever's in my Ugly's." Most of the tables are in there. So it was a fairly useless answer.
On anther forum I asked this question, and one person replied with "whatever's in my Ugly's." Most of the tables are in there. So it was a fairly useless answer.
The problem with just referencing the tables is there are a lot of other things to go along with them. As far as "calculations" article 220 is a must
Table 310.12(A) would be another residential specific table of the nec to keep in mind
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