what do you call these?

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Senior Member

these are the main terminal connections for a 13.8KV motor. I always forget the industry name for these... terminal plates? terminal blades? not sure can someone help? please see attached image



Senior Member
That is where you connect to the bus. The hole pattern is a "NEMA 4-hole" which consists of 4-holes in a square pattern each hole 1-3/4 appart, each hole 1/2" dia.
Commonly you use a matching crfimp on lug to terminate the cable that would be connected to the bus secured with (4) nuts and bolts with washers.


Senior Member
Do you have a better image.I'm trying to put this together in my mind.The 3 stud bushings are integral to a 3/c Pothead which has an UG feeder to a source voltage and will have a flexible braid connection from the bushings to the 4 hole connections of the bussing,the busses route down thru the CT's and in to the motor windings.

This a SWAG:) until I see a better defining image.



Senior Member
Do you have a better image.I'm trying to put this together in my mind.The 3 stud bushings are integral to a 3/c Pothead which has an UG feeder to a source voltage and will have a flexible braid connection from the bushings to the 4 hole connections of the bussing,the busses route down thru the CT's and in to the motor windings.

This a SWAG:) until I see a better defining image.


Nope,that won't work because if the feeder came in the bottom it would hit what I thought to be insulated stand offs for the bus support, so scratch that idea.I wonder where the OP got that image,really need some more info.

The stud bushings may be integral with the motor and these are coming from the motor windings but if they are then I,m not seeing how this all fits together,whats the gap between the busses as they pass thru the CT's.

It kinsa looks more like a transformer than a motor peckerhead with those (I think)lifting eyes on the top of the enclosure.

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Senior Member
My curiosity is boiling over,maybe this is just a remote termination box and the pothead terminates the cable from a remotely located motor but I can't figure how it all goes together on the feeder side .:-?:-?:-?:-?

We need Jraef to jump in here.



Senior Member
No doubt that is correct,however what I having trouble with is not the OP's question but trying to see this vendor drawing of the terminal box in the third dimension.It's impossible to determine when all the lines are shown as hidden lines,thats why I asked if there was another view.I could see how it all went together then.



Senior Member
Front facing copper tabs

Front facing copper tabs

To my knowledge, these are called front facing copper tabs and are also used on reactors such as manufactured by AB. There are also side facing copper tabs. Both of these accept a wide range of wire sizes and lugs.
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