what do you do when the customer wants to know...

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Senior Member
how long do you think it's going to take to finish the job. There trying to take
your estimate and divide the hours to find out what you charge a hour. i had this one guy who ask me that and i keep saying i dont know half a day to a full day. he said oh you dont want to tell me.:roll:
zappy said:
how long do you think it's going to take to finish the job. There trying to take
your estimate and divide the hours to find out what you charge a hour. i had this one guy who ask me that and i keep saying i dont know half a day to a full day. he said oh you dont want to tell me.:roll:

If I am doing the job from a quote price agreed on before I start. I've had some like you said start asking questions. What if, or what that, will that make it less if it's easier.

I say no. It's the same price, if it's easier I win, If it is harder you win. Still same price.

With in reason of course.
zappy said:
trying to take
your estimate and divide the hours to find out what you charge a hour.

They might also want to get an idea of when the wife is going to freak out too. Or when to call the painters.... Or cleaner, or change the locks.... :D

But if they really are trying to decifer an hourly rate out of point costs - tell them this. "The cost per point is a roulette wheel - sometimes I win, sometimes the house wins. The house often wins - the key is to put out as many small bets to win enough to stay in the game - I bet on black + red in varied amounts, but never a number - If I do I am guaranteed to lose! If it takes two days I lost both bets plus some - or even a lot - you win - a lot. If it take 2 minutes, I win - but not very much..."
e57 said:
They might also want to get an idea of when the wife is going to freak out too. Or when to call the painters.... Or cleaner, or change the locks.... :D

But if they really are trying to decifer an hourly rate out of point costs - tell them this. "The cost per point is a roulette wheel - sometimes I win, sometimes the house wins. The house often wins - the key is to put out as many small bets to win enough to stay in the game - I bet on black + red in varied amounts, but never a number - If I do I am guaranteed to lose! If it takes two days I lost both bets plus some - or even a lot - you win - a lot. If it take 2 minutes, I win - but not very much..."

Too complicated. Just tell em 6-10 days after they leave ought to be about right for completion. Longer if they stick around.
Tell them exactly how much time you have thought in your mind it will take. If they question the per hour rate, tell them that this job is not rated just on time, but complexity as well. Tell them that you have spent years becoming educated in the technology and methods and are the best at what you do.
Once you are on any job and cannot tell the truth, all faith and trust melt away. Most people like honesty and will let it go at that. There will always be some "apples that spoil the barrel", let it go and move on to the next.
Pierre C Belarge said:
Tell them exactly how much time you have thought in your mind it will take. If they question the per hour rate, tell them that this job is not rated just on time, but complexity as well. Tell them that you have spent years becoming educated in the technology and methods and are the best at what you do.
Once you are on any job and cannot tell the truth, all faith and trust melt away. Most people like honesty and will let it go at that. There will always be some "apples that spoil the barrel", let it go and move on to the next.
I'll second that. Perfect response Pierre.
zappy said:
how long do you think it's going to take to finish the job....

Just tell them the truth.

Novel concept, I know, but most of the time they're asking for reasons other than trying to guess what you're soaking them for per hour.
"The more time I need to take to stop and answer questions not related to the work I'm getting paid to do, the longer it will take me to complete the work I'm getting paid to do."
I agree that most people want to know for schedule reasons but some people will fish around and run the math

Since I give a FIRM BID FOR A FRIM SCOPE OF WORK - I tell people that they can hire us T and M if they want but we dont estimate that

if they want to hire us on a contract basis (firm price for a firm scope of work) or they can hire us t and M with no estimate or time limitation
ceknight said:
Just tell them the truth.

I normally try that method, it's because if there is going to be any arguement over money I would rather it be in the beginning than at the end of the job.

I have had a few customers try to tell me that it couldn't possibly take that long. I explain the job as best I can and if they are still not convinced I put the tools in the truck and leave. If they know more about the job than I do then there is no reason for me to be there.

There are a few people in this world that you can't deal with and you are better of to let some one else have those jobs.
growler said:
There are a few people in this world that you can't deal with and you are better of to let some one else have those jobs.
I'm guessing you don't sell out to the old "the customer is always right" clich? ? Then kudos from me to you.
mivey said:
I'm guessing you don't sell out to the old "the customer is always right" clich? ?

When you get right down to most of our work is controlled by the NEC so we don't really have lots of choices in the way we do certain jobs. I have had customers that would try to get me to bury UF cable 2 or 3 inches deep because it was not an easy area to trench. When you tell them there is a minimum burial depth (no matter how hard it is ) some people refuse to undestand. They come back with the " I'll never tell anyone" or "it doesn't matter to me I just want it cheap".

That's really what's wrong with most homeowner installations in the first place. If something gets a little hard they don't mind taking a few short cuts, legal or not.

By the way that's the reason I tend not to trust homeowners to much. They assume that it's their home and they can do whatever they want.
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