What do you think?

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Senior Member
Wilmington, NC
Without getting into the details of why, we (my customer, the PoCo engineer and I) are looking at removing a 3-phase 600-amp NEMA 3R service disconnect and re-feed the service with a 1,000-amp single-phase service disconnect (we really need 120/240). Getting from the new meter location (CTs) to the new disconnect will require having the (2) 3.5" conduits installed exposed and accessible to touching (outside the building) for about 25' making some 90s (ells) and at least 1 LB type turn. The job is next to the ocean, so schedule 80 PVC is prefered (plus the lower cost and ease of work).

I'm not comfortable about this configuration because the 1st overcurrent protection (other than the underground transformer primary) is after the exposed PVC (but don't know where the code would prohibit it).

Your thoughts?
I see PVC half round sleeves over unfused conductors running down power poles all the time (overhead lines transitioning to underground). I saw some primaries like this the other day (in a remote area)

Also, schedule 80 risers are becoming more common here on UG resi services.
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