What is this gimmick?

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Lol, this is just as bad as a "life coach". For just 28 dollars a month, someone will tell you how to change a lightbulb. Anything that gets too indepth, they will tell you to call a professional because they don't want to be sued if you screw up following their instructions. What a deal!
I got pitched to join one of those and “answer questions after work to make extra money!”

$25 whole dollars an hour to help homeowners fix-it-themselves.

Don't they know you can ask on reddit/electricians for free?
Wait whats the liability to the 'expert'?
I have a really nice bridge for sale in NYC in case anyone is interested ....
I have a really nice bridge for sale in NYC in case anyone is interested ....
Me! Me! Pick me!
There are a number of questions on Quora asking things like, "Why are there only black wires at the switch" and "Why are there 2 red wires at the switch" and "Why are the wire colors red, black, and white". I answered a couple, "Because the national electrical codes says so."
The REAL gimmick here is that by signing up to get their answers, the DIYer gives them their email address and, buried in the agreement verbiage somewhere that they are required to check the box on, agrees to let them sell that information to others. There is big money in valid email addresses, especially those already qualified for something, such as DYI interest.
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