what kind of power plug is this?

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Senior Member
I saw this plug on another forum. It is supposedly on the back of a Danish audio amplifier.
Anyone know what type of plug it is?
A Danish one?

Seriously though, is that 3 pins or 4? Hard to tell if the thing on the bottom is a hole or a smudge.

If it's 3 pins, with the grounding pin in the middle being horizontal and the power pins vertical on either side, it might be a "Walsall Gauge" socket from the UK, used by the BBC, which might fit with it being an amplifier I guess.

toward the bottom of the page.
4 pins, 3 flat blade and a pin on the bottom. It does look like a "Walsall Gauge" socket but what is that insulated pin on the bottom?

Looks like a 60 amp 120/240 volt plug to me. But I'm probably wrong.
See several concession stands with that configuration.

I don't know about that. The 14-60 is definitely a "U"-ground, and the pin in the OP's picture is definitely round. Also, if the picture isn't cropped, the plug is oval shaped. A quick Google for Danish plugs doesn't show this item, unless it might be a really old standard.
I heard a reply from the OP:
I just received a reply from B and K:
"It has an old European/USA connector and we no longer supply them, the best solution would be to remove the socket and replace it with a modern connector or even hard wire it, this would*have to be carried out by a competent person*and the unit safety tested and certified after conversion, we cannot offer this service."

I'll look into changing the connector.Although B & K products have rivets everywhere..

So, it appears to be a bastardization of NEMA with EU standards. I'm not sure how the difference in voltage works though.

Thanks people.
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