What makes a good employee?

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Senior Member
Milford, MA
JJ's thread has not got many replies, but it made me think to ask this question, too. "What makes a good employee?"

I've had a number of employees, and I'd guess this may get a lot of responses. Without getting into all the qualities I would like an employee to have, I'd say first and foremost I'd like a good attitude.

My best guy jumps into whatever we are doing headfirst. That's not to say without thinking or planning, but he treats every job like it's the most important thing he's ever done or is going to do. Never complains about too hot, too cold, too dirty, etc.

I've had so many employees that were capable, but not willing, motivated, etc.


I show up early to work (1/2 hour or more).

Get tools out and ready for work ten minutes before start time.

I am constantly thinking about ways to save time and money. My job is to make my boss money, hopefully it comes back around.

I have a hard time standing still. ALWAYS something to do! Regardless of seniority... Pick up garbage, clean, organize etc.

If it is break, lunch or time to clean up I try to finish what I'm doing. It takes more time to set up again.

I like to use my time wisely... think ahead what else do I (we) need, what can I put away?

I try to be a one man Army. I like to meet and or exceed the expectations of my employer. If it should take three days I want it done in a day and a half.

LISTEN!!! There is more than one way "to skin a Cat". Five guys will look at a job and come up with five different ways to do it and all be right. Keep an open mind.

I hate being lied to.
Don't say when you get this done you can leave (knowing I would crash it out to leave)
....Oh one more thing...If you could do this also.

A few Thoughts from a potentially dedicated employee

Justin J. Walecka
I am the only employee so things are way different... I don't show up 1/2 hour early unless i'm getting paid for it, actually i'm usually 10 minutes late..:) but my boss and I have a good thing going... I don't get in his way he stays out of mine, the only bad thing is when I need help he always has an excuse, but when he needs help guess who ends up going to a differend job that day... :) but it's all good. I'm 10 minutes from work to home, and we work locally, I leave most jobs at 3:30 and i'm home before 4:00....
Justin, I agree with just about all you said. I show up at the shop at 6:10 (start is 7) and get my van ready and make sure I have all I need for the job. I try to look out for the guy coming after me, even if it might be 10 yrs down the road. I don't mind swinging a broom. I try to pass on some of the hard-knock knowledge I've earned. I remember the way I pay back the guys who trained me is by training others. I look out for the bosses stuff-I treat it as well or better than my own. I try to point out cheaper-quicker-better ways of doing things.
j_erickson said:
My best guy jumps into whatever we are doing headfirst. That's not to say without thinking or planning, but he treats every job like it's the most important thing he's ever done or is going to do. Never complains about too hot, too cold, too dirty, etc.

This guy doesn't sound human so it may be legal to clone him.:wink:
Thank you

Thank you


Thank you very much for the compliment!! Regretfully I must decline (for now). I just started with a new employer. I think I should give them a few months, at least, before making any decisions regarding leaving. Thank you again.


Justin J. Walecka
j_erickson said:
I won't need to clone him if JJ is willing to drive about an hour north to work.:)

Nah, clone him anyway -- the way supply and demand works, with a few hundred clones of him y'all could lower pay to a nickel-ninety-five.

In my real job (as opposed to hanging out with old farts yanking on a piece of Romex ...), I manage projects which can involve well over 100 employees. I don't manage or lead or direct all of them, but I do have to deal with them and what they do affects what I get done.

What I expect from people working my projects is moving with alacrity, accepting responsibility for their work, mistakes and baggage, and remembering that when it comes down to it, the customer is the one who provides the money that the boss hands out come payday.
JJWalecka said:
I show up early to work (1/2 hour or more).

Get tools out and ready for work ten minutes before start time.

I am constantly thinking about ways to save time and money. My job is to make my boss money, hopefully it comes back around.

I have a hard time standing still. ALWAYS something to do! Regardless of seniority... Pick up garbage, clean, organize etc.

If it is break, lunch or time to clean up I try to finish what I'm doing. It takes more time to set up again.

I like to use my time wisely... think ahead what else do I (we) need, what can I put away?

LISTEN!!! There is more than one way "to skin a Cat". Five guys will look at a job and come up with five different ways to do it and all be right. Keep an open mind.

I hate being lied to.
Don't say when you get this done you can leave (knowing I would crash it out to leave)
....Oh one more thing...If you could do this also.

A few Thoughts from a potentially dedicated employee

Justin J. Walecka

So I am not the only one. I had one employer who noticed then he sold the company. I changed jobs since the new owner was not to my liking (long story) this new employer never rewarded me for my efforts (small industrial plant) so I rewarded my self by starting my own business while I missed more and more work I told them I was going to quit they begged me to just go part time, I did for a year, now I do all their electrical work as a contractor. Sweet Justice.
I try to be a one man Army. I like to meet and or exceed the expectations of my employer. If it should take three days I want it done in a day and a half.
Being a good employee means showing up to work a little early every day, keeping busy all the time. I will work 8 hours straight every day for my boss without taking any breaks and not complaining about little things. I will make the customers feel happy and joke around with them. Being a good employee means just doing what you would expect of your employees if you were the boss!
If I was the boss, I woundn't expect them to work 8 hours with no break. The workers need a little rest. We aren't robots. I am a hard worker. I do my job and make the company money, but my time is important to me, and my family. Getting to work eairly is over rated.
monkey_man_100 said:
If I was the boss, I woundn't expect them to work 8 hours with no break. The workers need a little rest. We aren't robots. I am a hard worker. I do my job and make the company money, but my time is important to me, and my family. Getting to work eairly is over rated.

Get ready for little pay raises. If you bring your lunch and a snack you are doing two things. 1. Saving yourself money. 2. saving the boss time. you can eat while at work without taking much of a break and this lets you be more productive. It is better to snack durring the day than to stop and eat lunch, you feel better and can work harder. stopping and eating a full lunch will slow you down and make you feel worse, it is harder to get going again and you are less productive and will get a small raise. getting to work early accomplishes a few things. If you are working with a guy like you who thinks early is over rated then you get the truck ready and have the work schedule and when the "on time guy" shows up you take off and get to the job ON TIME.this increases production and causes the "early guy" to get a raise and make more money. If you show up 15 min early every day thats 1.25 hours a week. if it gets you a $1.00 hr raise thats $40.00 a week seems worth it to me and maybe you are under rating it. If your boss sees your the guy causing the increase in production prepare yourself for $1.50 maybe $2 hr.

"Being a good employee means showing up to work a little early every day, keeping busy all the time. I will work 8 hours straight every day for my boss without taking any breaks and not complaining about little things. I will make the customers feel happy and joke around with them. Being a good employee means just doing what you would expect of your employees if you were the boss!"

I almost totally agree with you. I work hard and keep busy but I will take a break. Ten minutes exactly if that is what is required by my employer. People fought and died for the rights we have. This is America.

"Being a good employee means just doing what you would expect of your employees if you were the boss!"

I couldn't have said it better.

Justin J. Walecka

I wouldn't expect that you'd want to travel 45 minutes everyday when I'm sure there is plenty of work closer to you. You just impressed upon me that you have a great attitude. Which to me is the most important quality an employee can have.

toddw218 said:
Being a good employee means showing up to work a little early every day, keeping busy all the time. I will work 8 hours straight every day for my boss without taking any breaks and not complaining about little things. I will make the customers feel happy and joke around with them. Being a good employee means just doing what you would expect of your employees if you were the boss!

I agree with everything except for not taking breaks. Everyone should get at least a half hour break during the 8 hour day.

Typically my guys take a 15 minute coffee break, and a 15 minute lunch break. They are allowed to take longer, it just extends their work day. We start at 7 a.m. With either 2 15 minute breaks or one 30 minute break they are done at 3:30
Good Employee

Good Employee

I want one that does what he is instructed to do. I have had a few that will do exactly what you tell them not to do. May be I should have told them I didn't want it done?

Shows up on time.

Only complains on things that can be changed.

Tells me what I do not want to here but need to. I have had to many that where worried that someone might get angry or upset. Just tell me like it is. no bullXXXX.

I do not care if you visit and talk as long as the work is done and no one is breathing down my back.

I want one that is better then I am so I can help them advance and in turn makes everyone look good. I have seen to many sups that are worried about being shown up.

Common sense. I have seen many smart ones but no common sense.

I would rather have a smart ass then a dumb ass.

bikeindy said:
you can eat while at work without taking much of a break and this lets you be more productive. It is better to snack durring the day than to stop and eat lunch, you feel better and can work harder. stopping and eating a full lunch will slow you down and make you feel worse, it is harder to get going again and you are less productive and will get a small raise.

In some states (maybe federal) it is mandated by law what breaks you must be given.
What may work for you may not work for others.
I get hungry, I NEED to eat and nobody is going to stop me.

Eating while working may be your choice but if you expect this of people that are working with or for you maybe it is time for a "What makes a lousy boss" thread.
Someone who will show up an hour early on his time, leave the job a half hour late on his time, will work for small pay, no benefits, no vacation time, makes the boss money, and never complains....
Stickboy, that sounds like what P.T. Barnhum describes as "There's a sucker born every day.":roll:
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