What Makes For a Good General Contractor?

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Senior Member
South Carolina
Well personally, I am offended at the implication of the post. :grin:

I am a licensed residential home builder. In South Carolina, you are either a builder, or a general contractor (They get commercial, I get $5000 of commercial).

In addition, I am a licensed residential electrician and plumber. So I do my own electrical work (as I avoid plumbing like the plague...but hey, I can pull permits). I also, when I use them, pay all my subs on time. I do not beat up people on price, but I will shop them.

I have seen a recurring theme here about how bad GC's/Builders tend to treat electricians. It is because you want them too....

Here is the way it is.....you are treated the way you let yourself be treated. Do not do work for anyone looking for some ridiculous low price. If they don't pay you, SUE THEM. Have their license yanked. To many people are wimps when it comes to collecting. Accept the fact you will always be underbid by a jackleg. Also realize there will be times you will get the job anyway because there is still some percentage of the population that wants a quality job. Also know that with the current economy, there are way to many people competing for work. If you can't make it anymore, go to work for someone else. Or change professions. Only lower your rates if you are running the risk of not eating tonight. Guess what, GC's/ Builders pay careful attention to this. I now have a backup HVAC company because they will do the work for half of what my usual one does. The quality is 85% of my usual guy. Run the numbers. Depending on the circumstances, 85% is acceptable. However, the lower priced guy complains in his circles of not making any money....wonder why?????

I hold a degree in Economics and Political Science. I have changed professions years ago...not by choice, but hey it was the hand I was dealt. I am a builder. I have an excellent reputation with the inspectors. I do quality work, I ask questions when I don't know answers, and I make a good living.

Sorry for the rant, it was a long day doing things unrelated to electrical...except for removing one receptacle to put tile around it.


PS: The above rant does not apply to everyone on this site, in fact it probably applies to few if any. I have a great deal of respect for the people here and the knowledge they possess.


Senior Member
c2500 said:
Well personally, I am offended at the implication of the post. :grin:

The rant is forgiven. :smile:

The post does not implicate anything. Perception is in the ears of the listener.

The question is simply one about what are the qualities of a good general contractor, and where are they? Simple.

I value certain traits and expect certain things. What are those things?

It only gets negative if you let it. :wink:

Sorry for your hard day. Take a chill pill and be well.

Much love,




Senior Member
Newport, NC
frizbeedog said:
What Makes For a Good General Contractor?

....and where are they all hiding?

Paying you on time and wanting it right, not under budget. Actually there is a lot more to it than that, but having those two makes up for a lot of others.:grin:


Senior Member
Answer my RFI's in a timely fashion, let me know the entire scope of the project, then let me do what I know how to do...oh yeah, pay me on time and the amount agreed upon.


Senior Member
c2500 said:
PS: The above rant does not apply to everyone on this site, in fact it probably applies to few if any. I have a great deal of respect for the people here and the knowledge they possess.

Thanks for that. :cool: :)
Certainly the pay thing applies, but if I have to fight to get money from an agreed upon contract, that person qualifies as charlatan in my book, not a contractor.

One of the biggest issues for me is timing/ scheduling. Don't tell me a job will be ready on Wednesday just to push your schedule up when you know darn well that the plumber can only start on Tuesday afternoon. I was on a job a few weeks ago that literally had the painters in there while there was still demo going on (~8500sf home going through some upgrades).

The other big issue for me is getting answers to questions. As emahler said about the RFI's applies in the commercial world and I agree w/ wholeheartedly. In the resi realm it is a bit less formal in terms of paperwork but the sentiment/ need for info is the same. I don't expect you to have every answer to every question, but at least know where and how to get the answer and deliver it to me in a timely fashion.


Senior Member
frizbeedog said:
What Makes For a Good General Contractor?

One who does his job. Schedules properly, has answers to questions, etc.

....and where are they all hiding?

They're not hiding. They're just hard to hook up with.


Senior Member
O f course the pay issue is important. What makes a good GC to me is organization and a clean job site. Had the privalage of working with one that was almost too organized. But the project (a nine story medical office building) went very smoothly with very few conflicts between trades.When projects flow like that your profits go up tremendously.
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