what the heck

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billdozier 78

Quick question. Had a helper bond a box with the grounded conductor today :jawdrop: found it while tracing out a second problem- My question is this would this situation trip the breaker? If so how. Would it not energize the box with unbalanced load,thus energizing conduit and everything metalic it touches.
It would not trip a "standard" breaker. It would trip a GFCI or AFCI device.
If it was bonded to a box which was already grounded by a conduit system there is little chance of any stray voltage,
If the box is not grounded by any other means there is a potential for some measurable voltage to ground depending ona lot of conditions.be present
This is no different than your main disconnect panel (which is bonded to the grounded conductor per code). The voltage on the metal enclosure and attached conduits would be whatever the voltage drop is in the service grounded conductor -- probably a few volts. Most people aren't going to feel that, let alone ever be a hazard. The problem is if that grounded conductor comes loose down stream or has a high resistance connection. This increases the voltage drop and at worse case (broken wire and severe load imbalance) puts up to 240V on the metal chassis and conduits.
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