ok. im an apprentice...and im helping my best friend with his service to save him some money. all is going well except i have question...
i have installed new 200 amp service on side of house with a ground rod. there is an existing ground rod in front of house that is bonded to the cold water pipe and is terminated in a sub panel in the basement. i am feeding the sub with new feeders and a #6 ecg. is it allowable for me to leave the terminated second ground rod and water pipe in the SUB ground bus....or do i need to run new unspliced #6 and bond unsilpced all the way back to new service and land it on the main ground bar with the new ground rod ecg?
basically, electrically speaking it is "bonded" in the sub ground bar...but what does the inspector want to see.
i have installed new 200 amp service on side of house with a ground rod. there is an existing ground rod in front of house that is bonded to the cold water pipe and is terminated in a sub panel in the basement. i am feeding the sub with new feeders and a #6 ecg. is it allowable for me to leave the terminated second ground rod and water pipe in the SUB ground bus....or do i need to run new unspliced #6 and bond unsilpced all the way back to new service and land it on the main ground bar with the new ground rod ecg?
basically, electrically speaking it is "bonded" in the sub ground bar...but what does the inspector want to see.