What to do with existing circuts.

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Existing wiring to detached garage are 2 runs of 14-2 UF on a singe 15A breaker. No ground rod. This runs lighting, one GFI outlet, garage door opener.

A new 100A 120/240 panel, 4 wire + ground rod, is being added.

Can the existing system be left as is? The goal is that the 100 panel (running all the tools in a welding shop) can be turned off with the 100 A main and lighting, opener, and say block heater/ batt charger, can be left on.


Yes both come from the same service. Just by different physical routs. Any concern about different ground potentials? I can see a situation where the welding table is grounded to the new panel/ground rod via the welder and some one plugs a grounded drill into the old "block heater" outlet and sets it on the table. The ground on the drill would be via 100 ft of #14 to the house panel. The ground on the table would be via 100 ft of #4 copper and a local ground rod.


Senior Member
have you read article 225?

225.30, will The AHJ consider the existing circuits as feeds for different use.

(D) Different Characteristics. Additional feeders or branch circuits shall be permitted for different voltages, frequencies, or phases or for different uses, such as control of outside lighting from multiple locations.

personally i agree with mcclary's . But I'm not where you are.
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ok, that makes sense. I knew there was some thing I was missing. Unfortunately an AHJ is unavailable at this time. The last one was fired for pointing out some thing wrong at one of the city buildings. It's all politics around here. The up shot is that as long as stuff is code compliant and you can make an informed argument all is usually good with the inspectors we have had. The project must go on.

It looks to me that if we simply remove the existing outlet. Leave the lighting and opener we should be good. The argument is that the interior and exterior lighting and opener is a different use from shop tools and equipment. No user accessible outlets on the separate lighting source. Routing in the building is such that there will be no mistaking one system for the other.
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