What works for you?

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new zealand
I am just wondering what systems are working for everyone, do you even have systems? do you keep track of every job and them somehow make sure that job sheets don't go a-stray? do you just write on a job sheet the time and materials used, or do you have a carbon copy checklist with time and material section? i have seen a couple of forms that i like on nebs (or something like that), i have made up several forms myself, but feel like i am beating my head against a brick wall trying to get the staff to use them, my theory was maybe if the jobsheet had all the checklists etc on them, there would be no excuse not to fill it out. the problem with that is we do electrical, security, aerials, ventillation... and the job sheet would be 4 pages long, even for a switch replacement, or would i do 1 form for each style of job and use multiple job sheets when required???? i also like the thought of the customer signing the form before we leave to say they are happy.
i hope i am not ranting, but i have seen heaps of ideas, but i want to know what really works in the real world, not just in theory.
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