What would be your price for this?

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Senior Member
What would be your price for this?:D

Master Bath:
- add circuit for jetted bath tub
- add 2 cans over tub w/ dimmer
- add 2 sconce fixtures @ vanity w/ dimmer
- add 1 quad outlet @ vanity
- add Vent/Light w/ switches (option HVL)

Master Bed:
- add 4 cans w/ dimmer (by changing a single gang to double gang)

Linen Closet:
- relocate ceiling light and switch
- demo outlet

- Upgrade 100-amp to larger (more breakers) panel
[ old panel is outdoor / overhead w/ 20 spaces, easy access]
(option 200-amp)

- relocate light w/ switch
Rewire said:
We did a master bedroom/bath addition and it was 5000.00

Good guess, for the low side, these remod additions can fool you, some old work, and some new, but you can be sure it's not a slam dunk job. Good conditions good price, until you look at the job is just a guess.
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Michael, From previous similiar posts , I beleieve you will find a vast array of quotes varying from jobs in LA (LosAngles) to identical jobs in LA (Lower Alabama)
You need more info. Where is the service panel? How hard is the run to the jetted tub? Is it a crappy crawl(charge more) : ) Attic in summer, charge more. : )
I would have to visit the site to price this much work.

Minuteman said:
My son is one of the Few, the Proud, the Infidel.
Sgt. Mickey, USMC 0311 Combat Marksman Instructor
A reporter asked a Marine sharpshooter what he felt when he shot a terrorist.

"A bit of a recoil, Ma'am." he replied. :)
with a 200 amp upgrade and venting of fan by others I come up with $4,050.
I work in northern Fairfield county CT. If in Southern fairfield county, Greenwich, New Cannan, Ect. It would be about 5.5K. In Connecticut thier is a wide range of $$$$ and if you come in to low the cust. feels you missed somthing or are cutting corners. I have lost jobs by pricing fair in high end areas.
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