what would polyphase mean?

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When polyphase is mentioned as in Polyphase Transformer or Polyphase multiwire branch circuit or in other uses what does this mean? (polyphase)
Re: what would polyphase mean?

Here's Webster's definition:
One entry found for polyphase.

Main Entry: poly?phase
Pronunciation: 'p?-lE-"fAz
Function: adjective
Etymology: International Scientific Vocabulary
Date: 1891
: having or producing two or more phases <a polyphase machine> <a polyphase current>
Re: what would polyphase mean?


POLY ------Many, more than one

Polygamy-----more than one wife (Thou god know's why someone would do that)

Polyglot------speaking or writing more than one langauge

Polygon--------- a plane figure with more than four sides.

You seem to have a real interest in the trade, If your ever looking for a job in Wash DC area call me.
Re: what would polyphase mean?

Originally posted by brian john: HDE:polygamy-----more than one wife (Thou god know's why someone would do that)
It gets worse than that!
Polygamy -- More than one spouse.
Polygyny - More than one wife.
Polyandry - More than one husband.
Re: what would polyphase mean?

Polyaddiction: One addiction that leads to another.

Hunger leads to eating--> Leads to smoking a cigar--> Leads to a cocktail--> Leads to posting on this forum.

One addiction leads to another--> That's a polyaddiction.
Re: what would polyphase mean?

In electrical terminalogy polyphase means:
three single individual seperate curcuits connectioned 120 degrees apart by connectioning them in a wye or delta configuration. when this is done you get two differant voltages such as 120/208 or 277/480.

I hope this helps
phil c :confused:
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