What would you charge for this job?

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Let compare prices in different parts of the world..OK?
Here is the job....

Replace a 4' 2 lamp ballast in a closet fixture. 9 foot ceilings, standard magnetic ballast.
the job is located within 10 minutes of your shop.
And break down the cost so we can all compare.
I'll go first.
this is of course Houston Texas

Labor = $85
Materials =$25
Total Invoice =$110.00
77401 said:
& just how much is that?
Is it that hard for you to quote real numbers on a real job????

All I'm saying is that it makes no difference what other people in other parts of the country would charge for this. There are dozens of variables that will affect the price from one area to the next. It's like comparing apples to hamburgers.

The only thing that matters is that YOU make money and stay in business. That is why I reply that way when these questions are asked.

Now, that said, if there are other members from Houston or surrounding areas here, they will be able to better help you get an idea of what to charge.
I would T&M it.


Because the ride over and back, time to load/unload a ladder, paperwork, etc... would consume more time than changing out 1 single fixture.
I already told ya what I charge.
Chipewa said what he'd charge.
I don't expect anyone to judge either of us, as different parts of the country, & even my town warrant different wages.

If your not going to answer a post with a correct answer why do you bother?
I don't expect anyone here is expecting an apple to apple answer.
I don't even expect an apple to apple answer from anyone here in Houston.
So I can only assume your either embarrassed by what your charging, allbeit, too much or too little or you are just an unemployed union apprentice, waiting your turn on the books.
But hey!
Keep replying to post with wasted answers & wasting our reading time.
Its a free WWW
Re: What would you charge for this job?

77401 said:
Labor = $85
Materials =$25
Total Invoice =$110.00
Right on the money, for a strip fixture; for a wrap-around, I'd add $15.
Normally it's not good to do anything without a 2 hr. minimum but a job that's 10 minutes away and I'm sure will not take over 30 minutes .

Labor: $ 97.50

Maretials: $ 25.00
Total: $122.50
Our objective is to stay in business, so that type of job, would be flat rate, could be anywhere from $139 to $189 on the low side to $189 to $250 on the high side, depending on your overhead, and operating costs, and the local economic conditions.
I'd bill T&M, too. Realistically should be under an hour, including paperwork for simple invoice (providing ballast is in the truck) - but there should be a minimum. What are the circumstances? Are you expected to have the replacement ballast on the truck when you arrive? Did someone tell you that it's a 4' 2lamp magnetic, and are you going to take their word?

If it were as simple as you stated, then cost is about what I'd charge. Providing I can do it on a flexible schedule, sort of at my convenience. Anything else, there would be a minimum charge to show up.
iwire said:
77401 said:
Keep replying to post with wasted answers & wasting our reading time.

Would you like your forum membership fee returned?

You mean this place isn't FREE!

Now I'm gonna have to make some money to pay for this membership fee:

This is so very interesting on how many of you think & react to a simple job like this.
I'd like to talk more in detail about this...
With out any disrespect... but just for the sake of conversation.

Obvioulsly many businesses don't want this type of work? WHY NOT?

If you answered ...T&M... then what is your time charge? & what would you charge for the ballast? You do know your cost on a ballast, right?
If your charging T & M? would you drag this out & make a big deal out of it for a full hour?NOr would you just do the job, charge afiar amount and leave with your self respect?

What scope of work do you prefer to do, or, is it that you specialize in?

What is your typical job or day like?

What sort of Electrical truck would not have a 120 volt 2 lamp 4 foot ballast on it all the time?

To me a job like this is like taking candy from a baby. Remember it was less than 10 minutes from me. I can pick this up on the way to or from a big job or even lunch.
Paperwork? I fill in the owners name and address, write "replace a ballast" & total it. It takes a free king minute!
Mean while I strike up a conversation with the customer & build a quick raport with them. Put my "for service Call" sticker on their breaker panel leave them a few cards, play fetch with the dog, look at the family photo from the ski vacation, make a few skiing comments & I'm done.
I now own this customer. They are mine! When their breaker trips & they can't find which one it is or can't reset it , or when their dimmer switch quits I get to take more candy from them!!
Now I just sit back & wait for the referalls they most surely will send.

LOOK, we got to have a minimun charge & be able to quote it to customers. I will up my minimun for the first 1/2 hour if the job is 20 minutes away, this just helps cover drive time for small stuff
Having just come back from having taxes done....

I would charge them $75 per man/hour.
Material costs would be $30 for the ballast and $5 for the lamps (and you were gonna re-use the same lamps )

It should take:
- 30 minutes to change the ballast and tubes,
- 05 minutes to clean the lense and replace same (who doesn't carry Windex?)
- 20 minutes to/from shop.
- 10 minutes of paperwork (writing an invoice does not include paying the supplier or actually buying the item, entering tax/job info into software, etc)
- 15 minutes loading/unloading truck (10 in/5 out)

This is in a perfect world of cleaned out closets in ranch homes without small children and dogs running amuck and assuming the fixture was installed properly in the first place and where parking is not the biggest obstacle to getting the job done.

In MY world, those conditions are non-existent.
My world consistist of no parking for a 5 block radius around job location, previous install by the previous owner's wife's cousin who was going to be an electrician but isn't, at least 1 small child in a walker thing with a dog nipping at him while Mom yaps to her Mom on the phone or is engrossed making a fortune on eBay, carrying a ladder/tools/ballast/lamp etc upf 3 flights of stairs, and the closet is still full of boxes because they just bought the place...

...and this is how we arrive at a T&M job with NO NUMBER...and let's not forget the mandatory parking ticket.

I would never get this work. Our overhead and labor are too high. Our area is flooded with "home handy men", that are unlicensed (no contractors license/no business lic./no insurance, etc.) If the work is less than $500, parts and labor, you do not need a contractors lic. in CA.; they would do this for $50.00 plus parts. Silicon Valley to San Francisco.
If the work is less than $500, parts and labor, you do not need a contractors lic. in CA.

So if i understand this right, if the job is under $500, there is no need to be qualified, and if the work is over $500 you need to be qualified?

So in Ca, i am allowed to put the public in danger, with unqualified workers, unless the consumer pays $500 or more.

How can anyone, enact a law like that, and call it, consumer protection?

The contractors, and the public, might want to ask their Attorney General, to review this law.
Most of my work is within 10 minutes of my home. I'd charge

Labor: ($75/hr X 1.5hr) = $97.50
Materials $25

Invioce = $112.50

Most of the time would be spent driving and setting up. It shouldn't take long at all. I'd probably spend more time talking to the customer and giving business cards than changing the ballast. I am considering charging 2 hrs for a service call if I don't have the materials on my truck. If I do have the materials, I'll give a 1/2 hour discount.

(central NJ)
The same thing would happen here (NJ). Generally, replacing duplex outlets and fixtures does not require an inspection (replace/change a GFCI, yes). Joe Homeowner is not going pay either of us $225 to change a 2-lamp ballast when Joe Handyman will do it for parts plus $50...and it happens!

This is why I would just T&M the "estimate" (cost not to exceed $xxx.xx). It's just not gonna happen for a real EC.
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