whats up with ipl

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New member
Elwood IN
I just would love to know whats up With IPL .My sister bought a bank home in INDY the meter and service lines were removed be fore she bouth it we came there after it was purchased ans someone had run a new meter and head using # 2 wire on a 100 amp service. Of course Ipl refused service hook up . said wire was wrong and it needed inspected. I went out and got some new #4 wire placed it in conduit and hooked to the meter and box weather head was already on there approx 1 foot off roof.. they turned it down again. i also forgot to mention on the original complaint said reason #2 it couldn't be turned on because you cannot have a bare neutral wire in box. I've been setting meters for 30 years and never heard this one.well after I changed the wire to the box and they said was underground cable couldn't be used in conduit.??? this service appears fine to me with my experience. I actually hooked my generator up to both sides of serve and everything works fine. now they say the meter has to be at least 25 feet away from something i am not sure and .I have called my self 3 times and got no response in a call back have left messages pleading to be called back I have sit at house for hours waiting , the lady told my sister they said they was just at house at talked to some that was working and that was a out an out lie.this box is located at 2833 east Michigan street if you want to look its ready to hook up and run but Its not going to happen unless some one calls me and tells me whats wrong now. please help me get this done she leaves on ssi and cant afford all new service entrance wire. .this house is ready for service. my number is 765-356-3747names nick. we are setting a estate and she is staying in the home and its for sale getting tough working on my knees with a crushed back. heres the box whats up?20140623_153542.jpg20140623_153542.jpg
I wouldn't hook it up either. That meter should be changed out and what's with the plywood on the outside? It doesn't look like pressure treated... As far as your wire size the #2 was fine as is the #4 if it is copper so I am not sure about it. In terms of the underground cable- it is not suitable for overhead as the wire is not sunlight resistant.
I wouldn't hook it up either. That meter should be changed out and what's with the plywood on the outside? It doesn't look like pressure treated... As far as your wire size the #2 was fine as is the #4 if it is copper so I am not sure about it. In terms of the underground cable- it is not suitable for overhead as the wire is not sunlight resistant.

Some of the underground/DB wire is sunlight resistant, such as USE-2. I have used it on services before. That looks like what the OP has. Can't tell if it's Cu or Al.
The neutral lug does not look suitable for use with two conductors. That looks like the type of meter base our local utility required many years ago, when they required the neutral to pass through the meter can unbroken.
Who is rejecting this, POCO, electrical inspector, both?

Some of this has been mentioned but here is what I see -

The neutral lug is likely not rated for two conductors, most with a single lug like that were intended to strip insulation but feed through without cutting the conductor.

The lugs in that meter socket are possibly not even rated for aluminum conductors. If they are there likely is no marking remaining to confirm that.

The conductor used looks like it likely is underground rated conductors - but it can be used if it has proper markings - like sunlight resistant for emerging from weatherhead, and RHW for being a conductor suitable to enter the structure - if it enters the structure.

If that is 2AWG aluminum it is acceptable to supply a single dwelling unit with up to 100 amps of overcurrent protection.

Also the reducer in the hub is rusty - probably not a listed fitting for the purpose.

That is all that is in the photo so I will not comment on anything else that could be an issue without seeing it.
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