What's up with that buzz?

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Senior Member
I was on a service call today and the home owner indicated that when incandescant hallway lights were turned on there was a buzzing sound emanating from the office. I found the sound to be coming from a surge protected receptacle strip. The switch was a 3-way type and there was a 3-way dimmer on the other end of the hall. Changing the dimmer setting also changed the volume of humming on the strip. The dimmer was a Leviton type and I am very leery of that brand based on previous experiences. As an experiment, I replaced the dimmer with a Lutron Diva but it made no difference. The owner is going to try a new surge strip and hopefully the problem will take care of itself. In any case, I am at a loss as to why this is happening. Electronics is not my strong suite. Any ideas?
Some TVSS receptacles have a built in buzzer to let the end user know the device is defective.
And the buzzer feature includes a photocell so it only sounds when the hallway light hits it. ;)

"What's the buzz, tell me what's a-happenin', what's the buzz, tell me what's a-happenin' . . . "
Maybe the plug strip has a coil for noise suppression that is vibrating when the dimmer is emitting RF?
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