whats wrong with this picture?

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no overcurrent protection on main prior to trough ? theres no mention of fused protection at disconnects for ea transformer and secondary of transformers aren't grounded. this is what I see off hand one line drawing doesn't give distances
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im looking at numbers of conductors and im not seeing 4 wires. and how is 3 #3's feeding a 3p 125a trailer panel? also not mentioned is distance from PoCo xfmr to that 1st gutter is 470'
470'.... 1 1/2" conduit? i feel like conduit and wire size should be a lil bigger, voltage drop. i have no idea how this was submitted and approved. am i wrong?? isnt there not enough conductors?
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Most POCO's will not permit a junction box (wireway trough in this case) between CT cabinet and service disconnects.

First disconnects (60/3's) must be SUSE, fused*, and contain main bonding jumper.

*MCCB (breaker) permitted, or fuses can be in a separate enclosure but must be immediately adjacent to disconnect.
yeah theres alot here I believe the trailer panel is single ph and is fed from a 125a panel but must be fused less I don't believe feeder tap rules come into play for a service like this and even so theres no mention of distances from tap trough
comments please...
Whats the "FPL" is that a service disconnect?
Wire-way looks OK from here.
I like to see the the available fault current at each service and feeder so there are not questions later.
Should show the main breaker size at the trailer panel and its feeder breaker if any at the 125a 3P Panel.
Should show two groundrods at each structure (trailer and "FPL").
Needs detail on the bonding conductors to the transformers and the common service grounding in wireway.
Transformers seem a little over sized but not a NEC issue.

Distances mentioned seem a little far, it would be interesting to know the calculated load.
Didn't check it all thoroughly but noticed that the #10 grounded conductor called for from the gutter would have to be at least a #8.
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