What's wrong with this service?

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stealing power with the 30a fused disco?

Which lacks clearance per 110.26?
Is that little disconnect rated for service equipment?
Is that gutter rated for a wet location?
I'd also question where the GEC goes if it is run in that PVC below the trough.
Newberry, SC

That little thing on the lower right is an unfused switch with #12 or #10 going to some unkown "house" load and it is metered.

The pedestals are phone on the left and cable TV on the right.

The apartment panels are in the laundry room each with a 150A main. Distance is anywhere from 20 to 120" from the meters. The ser (I think) is aluminum, possibly smaller? than 2/0 but bigger than #1.

The AHJ wants fused disconnects at the meters for everything. Oh, and arc faults in the one bedroom of each unit; like that's going to work on 20+ year old romex.

The complex is well kept and mostly elderly people.

Is that piece of flex coming out of the side of the trough going in between two pieces of siding? And does that EMT have the ground wire? Violations aside the whole thing just looks crummy IMO. :roll:
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In reading the comments in the NEC Handbook, it mentions that ?No maximum distance is specified from the point of entrance of service conductors to a readily accessible location for the installation of the service disconnecting means. . . . "

While in my designs I personally call for the service disconnect to be at the meter, the code does allow it inside the building. With that in mind, for this installation I have a few comments. It is not uncommon to have the service disconnect remote at the main breaker of the panelboard, which is the case at this location. It either passed the final electrician, if there was an AHJ in existence, or it was ?ok?ed? by the city owned utility. Bottom line, with the exception of the unfused switch for the house load, I simply don?t see where the present AHJ has a basis in requiring disconnects at the meters.

The work going on at this location is ?spiffing? things up, no electrical work. The only thing I would require is to replace the unfused disconnect for the house load with a properly sized fused disconnect and clean up the wondering flex..

What?s your take??

Thanks, RC
In reading the comments in the NEC Handbook, it mentions that ?No maximum distance is specified from the point of entrance of service conductors to a readily accessible location for the installation of the service disconnecting means. . . . "
Depending on where and who inspects it - that one is up in the air - I can often go 40'+ But I have to say I don't trust it by the look of whats outside.
I can't tell if the gutter is home made. It is well constructed and no evidence of water getting in.

The house load IS metered. But I do plan on having the house wiring cleaned up. I don't know what the house load is or if there is a panel somewhere, although I doubt it. Either way, there will be a small fused disconnect in place of the non-fused switch.

My concern is having to rework the entire setup to install fused disconnects on the exterior of the building. I just can't see the justification. See my comments in the reply above.

I double checked the distances from the meter to the main disconnect in the apartment panelboards and the further most is more like 40-50'.

The apartment feeders leave directly from the back of the meter pans and up the wall to the panelboards.

Could you not use replacement cans that have the main built into them? I know there is a CH meter main combo that is barely larger than a standard meter can. I installed one a while back...200 amp main breaker...I think the cost was less than $150. I would assume you can get them with lower than 200 amp mains. I think that would satisfy what the AHJ wants done without having to do a ton of reconstruction. But then, you would technically need to run 4 wire as the inside panel becomes a sub panel. (Unless I am missing something) And the wire could be correctly sized for the breaker rating.

I would not be surprised if there was no inspection done. Alot of smaller counties did not get into the inspection business until the 90's.

I got bumped out time wise on an edit.....In re-reading, I don't think the AHJ will make you do anything. Unless it is a major remodel, they will normally leave it alone. You could do an upsell though and replace the wire from the meters to the panels, and then it would be sized correctly. I think it will all boil down to if the owners are willing to spend the $$$$. I also would notate any problems so you have a record and the property owner does also.

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Could you not use replacement cans that have the main built into them? I know there is a CH meter main combo that is barely larger than a standard meter can. I installed one a while back...200 amp main breaker...I think the cost was less than $150. I would assume you can get them with lower than 200 amp mains. I think that would satisfy what the AHJ wants done without having to do a ton of reconstruction. But then, you would technically need to run 4 wire as the inside panel becomes a sub panel. (Unless I am missing something) And the wire could be correctly sized for the breaker rating.

I would not be surprised if there was no inspection done. Alot of smaller counties did not get into the inspection business until the 90's.




The cable from the meter would have to be changed out if we put the main near the meter. Needless to say, that would not be only expensive, but intrusive, to say the least!

All the units are occupied and any work will mean a lengthy shutdown which would displace the elderly resident, mess up the food in the frig, etc.

I need to have a heart to heart with the AHJ and get everything first hand, check his pulse, find out just what's on his mind, etc.

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