I'm a bit confused by section 250.32, when it comes to grounding a detached garage. 250.32(A) is pretty clear, in that it says. If it's a building or structure, and it's supplied by a feeder or branch circuit, it requires a grounding electrode. But then the exception confuses things.
So if I bring a multiwire branch circuit from the house to a detached garage and use it to supply a few lights and receptacles, I don't need a grounding electrode?
But what if I install a subpanel in the detached garage? Do I follow a different code section? Does a subpanel automatically require a grounding electrode?
Exception: A grounding electrode shall not be required where only a single branch circuit, including a multiwire branch circuit, supplies the building or structure and the branch circuit includes an equipment grounding conductor for grounding the normally non?current-carrying metal parts of equipment.
So if I bring a multiwire branch circuit from the house to a detached garage and use it to supply a few lights and receptacles, I don't need a grounding electrode?
But what if I install a subpanel in the detached garage? Do I follow a different code section? Does a subpanel automatically require a grounding electrode?