When bonding gas line was adopted in code.

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Hey guys. I'm trying to help out a home inspector who has found himself in a pickle. Does anyone happen to know when the requirement of bonding to the gas line was adopted to the code, or know where to look to find out?
What type of gas pipe is it? For the old standard black pipe the EGC feeding a gas appliance is all that is required to bond the pipe. CSST has different requirements.
NEC only requires the EGC of branch circuit to the appliance that may energize the line to be bonded to the line.

If you have CSST, you need the instructions for the particular make of CSST you have, they don't all have the same instructions. This also isn't an electrician's problem it is the CSST installer's problem, or at least should be.
NEC only requires the EGC of branch circuit to the appliance that may energize the line to be bonded to the line.

If you have CSST, you need the instructions for the particular make of CSST you have, they don't all have the same instructions. This also isn't an electrician's problem it is the CSST installer's problem, or at least should be.

Hey thanks guys that helps. I relayed this on to the inspector. Honestly sounds like he has bigger issues than this but I appreciate everyone's replies.
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