When fishin

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Hi everyone
I have a question. On a rewire, is there any such thing as an easy way to fish wire from an attic down to a plug through fire blocking? Like when adding a new receptical. I know several methods of doing this and neither is really easy. Please base replys on say limited heighth in the attic.
I know there is no "easy" way but I am just looking for different way's I guess.


Senior Member
Re: When fishin

various bit extentions 3 12 inch 2 6 inch and a 3 inch for drilling through the wood fire block a set of glow rods for fishing the wire. a steel bead chain and magnet are sometimes helpful.



Senior Member
Re: When fishin

assuming you can find the top plate exactly (and yes there are types of construction where that is difficult to do), and the fire blocking is not compounded by diagonal bracing, there are many ways, as PIE stated. another is to drill the top plate withspeed bores and bend a 5' bit down the hole, leaving a foot to drill +/-. I discovered an interesting fact, and that is if I drill one hole to fish down with a glow stick, and have another to look down, I can usually just drop it in the hole. Or use light into second hole (even just a flashlight face down on the hole) I can fish and see down the first hole.

for drilling diagonals, you need a speed bore (extensions or long single) driven or tapped enough to start the hole.

a word of caution, inform the owner that there is a risk of hitting old wires, and that may entail other work, or even opening walls. if carefull the risk is lower but still there.



Senior Member
Re: When fishin

Scott's got the right idea. I prefer to use power tools, though. :D

I just wired up an attic for a guy yesterday, and I fished my new homeruns down the cavity where the vent stack was. The HO was pretty happy I didn't have to bust open his walls. I was bummed, of course, but I'm sure I'll get to wreck someone's walls soon enough. :D

Seriously, it's usually faster and cheaper for the HO if you bust open what you need to and get someone in afterward to fix the wall. The only exception to this general rule is when the walls are fancy, e.g., you'd have to search high and low to find a very skilled craftsman to get the texture to match. I've had a couple of jobs where that was the case; the HOs said that they'd rather skip the electrical work than mess with their beautiful walls.


Senior Member
Wilmington, NC
Re: When fishin

I have a question.

If you drill a hole in a fire stop, fish your wire through the hole without fire caulking it, have you compromised the fire stop framing? (I guess you really have, the real question is it compromised to the point of concern?)


Senior Member
Re: When fishin

I prefer to hole saw the sheetrock. 4" hole saw can split a stud or fire stop, chisel wood, nail plate, screw round hole-sawed piece back in, either tape or have owner do (get someone). Less mess, less fuss, fairly invisible.



Senior Member
Re: When fishin

Give them 2 prices they will usually opt for the drywall repair. As you know drilling in a attic is difficult to bid time correctly.
You can take a 1 inch bit on a 12 inch extension and drill up through the fire block. stay as close to drywall as possible , so it is not at a 45 degree angle. It leaves you with a one inch hole in the drywall. (easy patch).
Before drilling the block you can look into the one inch hole to make sure there are no wires in the way. As was said you can drill two 1 inch holes in the top plate one for flashlight other for fiberglass rods and run the rods down to your outlet cutout.


Senior Member
Re: When fishin

A good patch man can fix a lot of holes in a few hours.So if that speeds your job up by several hours then suggest it.But if we are talking about just a few holes then the patch man might be costly.He has travel time and some waiting time between coats.15 minute mud gets him finished fast.The bigger problem is painting that matches.Try to make the holes in an area that wont show much,like closets or behind large furniture or pictures.That puts off repainting till the room needs it.
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