when is ground wire required

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See 250.118 to make sure your metallic raceway qualifies for an equipment ground. And don't forget about specific rules for special occupanices and equipment like in health care facilities...
bphgravity said:
And don't forget about specific rules for special occupanices and equipment like in health care facilities...


Health care was the only application I could think of that the NEC requires a redundant EGC.

Anyone know any others?
I once heard, but cannot now confirm, that the city of Chicago had in their amendments the requirement that an EGC be pulled inside conduit, even if the conduit were metal. In any event, local codes may have that requirement.
Flexible Metallic Conduit, Liquidtight Flexible Metal conduit, and Flexible Metallic Tubing all require a ground wire if there combined length is over 6' or they are used where flexibility is required after installation. Like at a motor or drop in light. Also patient care areas in health care facilities require redundant grounding
matt n. said:
Flexible Metallic Conduit, Liquidtight Flexible Metal conduit, and Flexible Metallic Tubing all require a ground wire if there combined length is over 6' or they are used where flexibility is required after installation. Like at a motor or drop in light. Also patient care areas in health care facilities require redundant grounding

Is one required for a lay-in style troffer fixture?
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