When one AFCI trips a second one does as well. I could use some ideas.

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I was called because a vacuum cleaner had been tripping both breakers for the past 6 months. It was clear the vacuum was the problem so I replaced both breakers due to excessive use and separated them while I was at it.

As I was leaving they mentioned that something caused a trip in the master bedroom that caused the guest bedrooms to trip as well. They couldn't remember specifics. I ensured that the recep in question was indeed on the proper circuit and everything appeared to be wired correctly. With no way to duplicate the problem, or any other information, I told them if it happens again to make careful note of everything that was running at the time and call me back.

They just called. A 1500W space heater used in the master will reliably trip both breakers. Of course it's tripping the master. That circuit is way underpowered and the other loads they mentioned put it over capacity. But why is it tripping the other breaker?

I used to work for the company that wired that house. I know the home runs are probably a twisted clump of wires with little to no separation. That makes me wonder about induction. I'm still learning about the inner workings of AFCIs but I was thinking the high current from one could induce enough current in the other wires to cause it to open.

Any thoughts are greatly appreciated.

Thanks. =)
This is not an uncommon problem but I have no good answer for you. Changing the breakers will generally not help at all. Try calling the breaker manufacturer and see if they will send a different generation of the afci. I have done this in the past with Ge and they sent me extra breakers for free. We were having trouble with the ceiling fans and the replacements they sent took care of the problem.
Thanks. I'll call Eaton and see what they say.

The vacuum is a late 80's, 1200W beast with several cord repairs. I'm not confident it will play nice with any AFCI.

I replaced the breakers because I was taught that it's best practice to do so after numerous trips. A couple operations a week for 6 months is a lot.

After getting them off the space heater I don't expect them to be tripping any breakers. But, I am curious if a different generation would stop the second from tripping when the first does.

Thanks. =)
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