I was wondering how many inches below grade can you go before you need to call? Thank you.
I was told that we should be calling 811 prior to driving a ground rod.
That should be SOP. I've seen people hit gas lines, water lines, fiber optic lines, you name it, with ground rods.
I was told that we should be calling 811 prior to driving a ground rod.
The ground?Where do you feel IS a good place to drive a ground rod?
I would wake up every single morning after that knowing that I was living on gifted time. Ha. That is scary right there.Our 811 is available via internet. Good, simple process and worth the trouble. Sometimes it gets you a few extra days on those projects the owner wants NOW and you really don't have time for at that moment. "Sorry, we have to wait for a locate."
I can remember digging a new feeder to a trailer in a mobile home park. Had my nice sharp tile spade just going to town. What the heck...funny way for roots to grow around a bigger one. Brushed it off with my fingers and got the hell out of that hole. Didn't even dream that primary would be 24" down. Why I didn't lay into that as if it was a root I will never know.
Why I didn't lay into that as if it was a root I will never know.
My brother works for the city of richmond. Some of the fibre optic lines are encase in an airline. As soon as you break it, they know a line has been cut, due to loss of air pressure. They also know due to air pressure variations, the proximity of the cut. My brother was on a backhoe and hit a fibre optic cable, they rolled up on site before my brother could even call anybody, they knew a line had been hit. The fibre optic guy said repairs can cost tens of thousand to a hundred thousand easily.