Where did Joe Go

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Senior Member
New Hampshire
Just got this months issue of EC&M and I have just noticed they have replaced Joe Tedesco with Brian McPartland. When did this happen?
I liked Joe's article... However Joe had a tendancy to get into some spats when questioned on his opinion on a few forums and maybe that carried over? Dunno...
Joe Tedesco says Hello!

Joe Tedesco says Hello!

I liked Joe's article... However Joe had a tendancy to get into some spats when questioned on his opinion on a few forums and maybe that carried over? Dunno...

I did not have any time to continue doing those articles because of my mission here while in IRAQ during the last year, so I ended my contract back in October 2008. EC&M still continued using my previous articles as re runs.

Brian recently assumed the position. He does a great job and was in fact associated with the magazine long before I came aboard. My leaving had nothing to do with any forum discussions. I am returning to the USA next week and will pick up where I left off.
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