Where does the emergency system BEGIN in a health care f

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2005 NEC 517.30 C.3. states requirements for mechanical protection of the emergency system. My question is where does the emergency system begin? In my case the line side of the critical branch transfer switch (for example) is feed from the normal side and the generator side. I have Sch 40 PVC installed underground from the utility padmount transformer and from the generator. Depending on whether there is a power outage either side is feeding the load side of the transfer switch. It is hard for me to tell if I have a code violation if I don't know where the system begins. Does it begin at (for example) the critical care branch circuit panelboard, the transfer switch, the generator, and or the utility padmount, etc. Thanks for any help
Re: Where does the emergency system BEGIN in a health care f

The way I read the definition of ?Emergency System,? as given in 517.2, the utility equipment is not included. But the generator, the transfer switch, and everything downstream is included. What aspect of your installation concerns you, with regard to the possibility of a code violation?
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