Where is the article 430 reference on motors 6 Amps or greater?


Senior Member
I was told today that motors 6 amps or more need to be on individual circuits.
So say I have two 1/3 HP 120V pump motors and a GFCI to install do they each need a 20A circuit or can they share?
Each motor is about 7A nameplate.
Where is the article 430 reference on motors 6 Amps or more so I can read up on this?
Thank you sir.
So looking at 430.53 it seems I'll need 3 circuits one for each 1/3 HP pump and one for the GFCI receptacle.
What about 430.53(B), if the motors have individual overload protection (are thermally protected)?

The Table 430.248 FLC for a 1/3 HP 115V motor is 7.2A. Per 430.52, 7.2A * 250% = 18A, and rounding up to a 20A OCPD is allowed. So each motor would properly protected for SCGF by a 20A branch circuit .

Cheers, Wayne
What about 430.53(B), if the motors have individual overload protection (are thermally protected)?

The Table 430.248 FLC for a 1/3 HP 115V motor is 7.2A. Per 430.52, 7.2A * 250% = 18A, and rounding up to a 20A OCPD is allowed. So each motor would properly protected for SCGF by a 20A branch circuit .

Cheers, Wayne
Yeah I could not tell if these sump pumps had individual overload protection though i imagine all small motors do? The foundation company we are working for was trying to be smart and quote code instead of just saying they just wanted 3 circuits or as Larry suggested a small sub-panel. I think its also for redundancy.