Where to bond a motor frame

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Bakersfield CA
We have asked a manufacture where they recommend us bonding the frame and they stated “do it according to code” they would provide a location! We are currently taping a chunk of metal in hopes it good but not for sure exactly the legal or technical requirements. Does anyone have a good picture or suggestion on best practices
All the motors I have bonded, the connection is done in the motor j box, using a provided screw/bolt. If none present then You can drill and tap for one.
I agree with Tom, typically the EGC is connected within the pecker head along with the circuit conductors. That is all that is required by the NEC so if they're telling you to do it "according to code" that is all that you need to do. If they want you to do something in addition to the EGC connection they need to provide you with that information.
The motor bonding depends of country code as well.
I have seen in India we use to bond double earthing to the motor from different earth pits.
But in Canada motor bonding is done via the ground cable of the coking out of the tech cable

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