Where to Bond...

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Senior Member
Louisville, Kentucky
Does the Service Bonding, EGC, take place at the 1st OCPD or Disconnect? This is for a SFD Service?

Are the Disconnect and OCP considered the same thing?
(1) General. The grounding electrode conductor connection shall be made at any accessible point from the load end of the service drop or service lateral to and including the terminal or bus to which the grounded service conductor is connected at the service disconnecting means.

Locally, POCO wants the ground rod (POCO required) to be connected in their meter enclosure. Other electrodes (steel, CEE, water) are most often connected at the service disconnect/panel.
The main bonding jumper must be installed at the service disconnecting means. (See 250.24(B))

The grounding electrode conductor can be connected to the grounded conductor at any accessible location at or ahead of the service disconnecting means. (See 250.24(A)(1)) So the GEC connection can be made at the weather head or in an accessible meter ahead of the service disconnecting means.

Does the Service Bonding, EGC, take place at the 1st OCPD or Disconnect? This is for a SFD Service?
Norb, the rule for bonding is not any different for SFD then it is for commercial buildings, schools, etc.

Are the Disconnect and OCP considered the same thing?
Generally the OCPD is in the first disconnect enclosure. An OCPD is a disconnect but not all disconnects need be OCPD. Thus a fuseless disconnect is still a disco but it does not have OCPD.

Others have answered your question. Around here I prefer to land the GEC, from the ground rod, in the meter base and the GEC or bond wire, from the water pipes, in the first disconnect panel (service panel). Some areas will not allow the gec in the meter-- NC does. Usually the POCO determines the call.
Norb, the rule for bonding is not any different for SFD then it is for commercial buildings, schools, etc.

Generally the OCPD is in the first disconnect enclosure. An OCPD is a disconnect but not all disconnects need be OCPD. Thus a fuseless disconnect is still a disco but it does not have OCPD.

Others have answered your question. Around here I prefer to land the GEC, from the ground rod, in the meter base and the GEC or bond wire, from the water pipes, in the first disconnect panel (service panel). Some areas will not allow the gec in the meter-- NC does. Usually the POCO determines the call.

I looked at a job the other day and there was a fuseless disconnect, outside of the building, the Grounded and GEC were bonded there with a 4 wire run to the Main service panel with a "floating" neutral.

I was just not sure if this was right or if the "bonding" took place at the Main Service panel w/OCPD.

Thanks to all who have replied and I think I have it now.
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